Tuesday 17 January 2012


First post, will make it brief as still learning the site and seeing what can be done. Just a few things I am into at the moment, therefore you should be into them too!

If you have never read Daredevil, shame on you, but now has never been a better time to jump on board! Brian Michael Bendis took over the book from Kevin Smith in 2002 and made it the best book out there, then Ed Brubaker came along and added to what Bendis had started and then came Andy Diggle . . . . . . ahem.

But now Daredevil is back in it's third Volume, lead by Mark Waid. Bendis and Brubaker really took the book to the darkest places it could possibly go, bringing their extensive knowledge of crime writing and turning Matt Murdocks' world upside down. Mark Waid has returned the book to the more light hearted storytelling, the continuity remains from Volume 2 with Murdocks identity still in question though the stories are fun and light. While I will always recommend Daredevil Volume 2 as one of the greatest comic runs in history, this new volume is a great place to start!

The hilarious Portlandia is back for it's second season and two episodes in it has really hit its' stride. Starring Fred Armisen (SNL) & Carrie Brownstein (Sleater Kinney), this sketch show tells the stories of various residents of Portland. Easily one of the funniest shows out there at them moment. 

The 11th albumn from Ryan Adams has been out a while, but I have only just started listening to it. Following on from 2010's III/IV, Ashes & Fire sees Adams return to his solo past after his on again off again relationship backing band, The Cardinals. So far I have found this to be a very subdued Adams, which isn't a bad thing at all. He seems to be concentrating more on the lyrics and not so much the music this time around. While I don't see it being one of my favorites, it is not a bad effort!


You know those action movies, the ones that have little to no story, terrible acting, ridiculous situations but great fun action. Well Saints Row The Third is the video game equivalent of on of those movies. 

From the moment it starts, you can tell that this game is going to be fun. The missions, of which there are many, are action packed and ridiculous. The story is funny and doesn't keep you watching cut scenes too long in between missions. There are so many side missions and activities to keep you occupied for hours. So if you feel the need to guard a fancy dress store from hoards of costumed maniacs, or sky dive out of a plane while shooting gang members that have dived after you. This is the game for you.

Well that's it for now, til next time!

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